Animal Husbandry Bentonite 1 from Sanding Bentonite Technology

Animal Husbandry Bentonite Quality Requirements and Modified Processing Technology

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Bentonite clay is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, sodium, sulphur, chlorine and other elements needed for the growth and development of the animal body. There are more than 40 kinds of elements; it can not only replenish the mineral elements but also activate the body’s enzyme system. At the same time, using bentonite in these elements can compensate for the feed ingredients due to different sources of origin and local nutritional diseases in animals. Hence, the feed bentonite in China’s animal husbandry production as a composite pre-mixed feed, mineral element pre-mixed feed, and mixed additives have a certain value in using the product’s main components.

Animal Husbandry Bentonite 2 from Sanding Bentonite Technology

Bentonite has good dispersibility and lubricity; through sufficient mixing, the feed additives and its uniform mixing can slow the feed speed through the digestive tract. Bentonite has strong adsorption and expansion and can enhance feed absorption in the digestive tract; the pig’s intestinal toxic and harmful substances, such as heavy metal elements such as lead and bacterial toxins, poisonous gases, etc., have a strong adsorption effect. Bentonite manufacturer can greatly improve the animal’s ability to resist disease and enhance the appetite of farm animals and digestive function. Bentonite, as a variety of “enzyme additives” carrier Hugh, has a stabilising effect of activation; it contains mineral elements needed to supplement the growth and development of animals, with detoxification and immunity, and is inexpensive and easy to get the natural mineral carriers.

1, Animal Husbandry bentonite quality requirements

Through the analysis of a large number of domestic and foreign bentonite literature found that bentonite contains a very low content of toxic and hazardous substances, in full compliance with the “feed health standards” (GB13078-2017) lead ≤ 15mg/kg, total arsenic ≤ 10mg/kg, mercury ≤ 0.1mg/kg, cadmium ≤ 2mg/kg, fluorine ≤ 400mg/kg of the Restrictions on the requirements of these substances in the animal digestive tract, due to the bentonite itself with adsorption and is wrapped up, with the faeces out of the body, will not produce toxic side effects. So, the purified bentonite is used as a feed additive and diluent carrier to produce breeding animal groups, which is safe.

Bentonite is a feed ingredient in the use process; However, the animal body has better safety, but when the concentration of toxic and harmful substances in which the content exceeds a certain value, the animal body will also cause harm to the environment caused by pollution. The natural bentonite clay contains metal fragments that can destroy the animal’s intestinal mucosal barrier and production equipment. From animal health and feed production costs to consider, the need for feeding bentonite to develop appropriate quality standards, in particular, to limit the amount of additives and the content of the relevant components, including the main ingredient المونتموريلونيت content in addition to detecting the amount of blue absorption, but also to test the national “feed hygiene standards” (GB13078-2017) in the part of the hygiene indicators specified in the part of the and moisture and Other volatile substances content, expansion force coefficient or water absorption, magnetic metal chip sex, throughput, wet compression strength, pH and other indicators, these can be based on the industry and enterprise-specific circumstances to consider the quality standards, as appropriate, internal control programmes.

Animal Husbandry Bentonite clay from Sanding Bentonite Technology

2,Animal Husbandry bentonite modification technology

Inorganic materials are carriers, and by adding antimicrobial metal ions and made of inorganic antimicrobial agents with a wide antimicrobial spectrum, bacteria do not easily produce drug resistance, can be used safely for a long time, and so on. The main component of feeding bentonite can be used to carrier various inorganic antimicrobial agents. Through physical adsorption, chemical ion exchange reaction and other loading implanted antibacterial metal copper ions to make the copper-carrying bentonite purification products, and bentonite main component structure of the copper ions in the piggyback metal surface can be a large number of remaining positive charge, thus effectively improving the bentonite adsorption of negatively charged pathogenic bacteria, through the loading of antimicrobial metal copper ions dissolved and let the bentonite itself has a more powerful Adsorption performance and bactericidal ability.

Bentonite surface has good hydrophilic properties, so the bentonite itself will be poorer in the adsorption of organic matter. Application of organic modifiers to modify the natural bentonite organic modifiers can be more effective in the interlayer structure of bentonite; rapid chelation will change its surface properties and crystal layer structure so that the adsorption performance is significantly improved.

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