منشأة طين البنتونيت الرملي

New Bentonite Manufacturers How to Choose the Production Process of Sodium Bentonite

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Bentonite is essential in the production of many industries in China, especially the use of sodium bentonite is very impressive. Therefore, if you want to build a new bentonite manufacturer, the production of sodium bentonite is an essential item. Therefore, how to choose the appropriate production process, the later development is crucial.

المستحضرات الصيدلانية

At present, the common domestic sodium bentonite production process is as follows:

1. Dry with alkali production method

This way of producing bentonite is actually not sodium bentonite, the form of calcium bentonite and soda ash is a mixture of ingredients only, can only be said to be slightly better than calcium bentonite activity less, which is also based on the use of slurry projects. The production of this process is the raw ore and soda ash mixed for direct grinding, but also in the Raymond mill at the same time to add soda ash.

2. Sodicisation by stacking

This production process belongs to the bentonite clay is relatively old one, in more than 100 years ago was used. Specific mode of operation is to mix bentonite and soda ash for stacking, of course, if the moisture control in about 35% of the best results. Generally the stacking time is more than 30 days, and the time will be longer for manufacturers with large sites. This type of production process is not efficient, but it is much better than the first dry addition of soda ash.

الشركة المصنعة للبنتونيت

3. Semi-wet extruded sodicity

This sodium bentonite production method is currently the most used in China in a way, the specific operation is to mix bentonite and soda ash, to maintain the moisture of the mixture of 35-40%, and then into the roller extrusion equipment for extrusion, usually extruded three times the best, will be obtained by the extrusion of your skin stacked together and wrapped in waterproof tarpaulin to prevent water evaporation, stacked three days after drying and then Grinding and packaging can be.

4. Semi-wet roller naturing

Semi-wet roller naturing production method is actually the same as the third principle of extrusion naturing, but will be extruded into the roller pressure. This type of method is also used in China, but the number is not as much as extrusion. In terms of effect and extrusion are basically similar. Whether it is rolled or extruded its purpose is to make bentonite and soda ash can be very good close contact. Thus promoting the smooth exchange of sodium and calcium ions.

bentonite manufacturers

5. Wet sodium

Wet sodium bentonite sodium can be used to produce high-end products, this production process is inefficient, but the sodium bentonite high quality. Therefore is a used in the production of some high-end products. Specific process method is, the bentonite into the water to make slurry, general bentonite and water example of 3:7, the production of slurry mixing, and then according to the proportion of soda ash, and keep stirring, such as mixing after the homogeneity of the stay for 6 hours, and then start the mixing equipment again, mixing for 10 minutes. Stop mixing after 3 hours, go to the upper layer of slurry for dehydration, drying, you can get a very high purity of sodium-based bentonite.

Through the above details of different sodium bentonite production methods, you can clearly see the advantages and disadvantages of each method. As a new bentonite manufacturer, in the choice of process, the first thing to consider is the positioning of their products, if you want to carry out in the mid-range market, you can consider a combination of the second and third two ways. If the positioning to the high-end products in the market, you can only choose the fourth to carry out. 

In terms of the current domestic situation of sodium bentonite, the choice of pure wet sodic manufacturers are very few, may be the cause of the relatively small market share of high-end products, but with the continuous development of science and technology, the demand for high-end sodium bentonite is also climbing year by year, so it is recommended that knowledgeable people to embark on the production of high-end sodium bentonite production and research and development will be a good choice.

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