Bentonite clay for Animal Husbandry feeds from Sanding Bentonite Technology

Application of Feed Bentonite in Dog Food Production in China

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Mention of feed bentonite, everyone’s first impression is used in animal husbandry in a product. Today for the application of such products in the pet dog food to do an introduction. In the production of dog food, feed bentonite can play what role?
Feed bentonite in the production of dog food and other livestock feed in the role of the basic same, there are the following two points:

Bentonite clay for Animal Husbandry feeds from Sanding Bentonite Technology

1. Dog food binder

In the production of dog food, feed bentonite added to other ingredients, evenly mixed, to maintain a certain amount of moisture, general moisture control at 30%, and then enter the equipment for extrusion, and finally drying and packaging made into finished products. In this, it is the use of bentonite itself bonding characteristics.

2. Adsorbent

Feed bentonite itself has a quantity of adsorption capacity, can be adsorbed in the feed of aflatoxin and other pathogens. Therefore, in the production of dog food in the process of adding feed bentonite can reduce the rate of pet disease, preventing intestinal diseases in pets.

3. Supplementation of trace elements:

Feed bentonite itself contains a lot of trace mineral elements needed for animal production, so in the production of dog food, adding this product can play a role in the pet’s trace element supplementation.

Bentonite clay for Animal Husbandry feed 2 from Sanding Bentonite Technology

Application prospects of feed bentonite in the production of dog food

With the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, the current family pet breeding is very common, so the dog food has become a lot of pet lovers often concerned about a commodity. Therefore the demand for large quantities of dog food market increases year by year, which has given rise to the market prospects of this industry. In the process of producing dog food, whether it is used as a binder or used as an adsorbent, the use of bentonite for feed has increased greatly. Of course, most of these products are calcium-based bentonite, specific product quality is mainly reflected in the montmorillonite content. High-quality feed bentonite purity is generally more than 85%. Some reach 98%. 

Low quality bentonite is generally used as a binder to use. There are many dog food manufacturers, these two products mixed use. But here I suggest that the dog food manufacturers, if you want to produce high-quality dog food products, it is recommended not to use the quality of bentonite too low, directly with a purity higher than 80% of the product, both as a binder, but also to adsorb the effect of toxins. Produced dog food with low sand content, good taste for pets.



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