La cría de animales

Is Bentonite Clay for Feed Mills Sodium or Calcium Based?

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Bentonite in the feed has this wide range of applications, then in the feed plant with bentonite is sodium-based or calcium-based, this issue may be many people do not understand, today for this problem to tell you about it.

Bentonita para pintar

Calcium-based or sodium-based before determining this issue, first of all, to understand the adsorption properties of bentonite used in the feed. Bentonite can be used to adsorb some of the toxins in the feed, such as aflatoxin. In addition, in the feed production requirements of bentonite neutral pH is good. From these two aspects can give the answer, the bentonite used in feed is calcium-based products. The reasons are as follows:

1. Calcium-based bentonite adsorption can fully meet the requirements of the feed mill, for the adsorption of aflatoxin, calcium-based bentonite in the purity of more than 75% can meet the requirements.
2. Although the domestic sodium bentonite adsorption performance is stronger, but due to the production process to add soda ash so that sodium bentonite PH value of the finished product is alkaline. Therefore, sodium bentonite in the country is rarely used in the feed.

In addition, the use of bentonite in the feed mill in addition to adsorption of aflatoxin, but also can be used as a binder. For example, in the production of some of the pellets in the feed, other ingredients and bentonite clay mixed, after extrusion into granular and cylindrical. In the production of some pet feed is often used. This kind of product selection of bentonite in fact is also calcium bentonite, general calcium bentonite bonding force can fully meet the requirements of this kind of feed production.



Another reason for the selection of calcium-based bentonite in the feed mill is that calcium-based products can not only play the role of adsorbent and binder, but also increase the calcium content of the feed, the function of calcium supplementation of livestock has a good effect. Therefore, calcium-based bentonite in the feed mill related to the production of the dosage is still relatively large, but also a trend of use.

In short, the feed mill with bentonite is basically the choice of calcium-based bentonite. With the continuous progress of technology, the feed industry to use bentonite is also gradually improve their quality, which is mainly reflected in the purity and heavy metal content is not excessive.



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