Activated Bentonite

What Are the Applications of Sodium Bentonite Granules and How Are They Produced?

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 Sodium bentonite on most people’s impression of a powdered product, today here to say is the application of sodium bentonite particles and its production methods.

Arcilla de bentonita para sellar estanques

First, the application of sodium bentonite particles

1. Feed production

In feed production, there is a feed using bentonite required granular, can be mixed with granular feed, directly used for breeding. This type of feed bentonite particle size is generally required 0.5-1.5mm, such as some rabbits used in the breeding process of bentonite. Of course, the requirements here are not necessarily sodium-based bentonite, calcium-based can also be applied.

2. Bentonite waterproofing blanket production

Bentonite waterproofing blanket production of granular sodium bentonite dosage is relatively large, especially some of the national standard level waterproofing blanket production, must use sodium bentonite particles, specific requirements of the particle size in 1.5-3.5mm, expansion rate of more than 24. This parameter is still relatively high, must be high-end calcium bentonite in order to meet the requirements.

3. Bentonite cat litter

In the production of bentonite cat litter, the use of bentonite to produce into pellets, in this industry in the dosage is quite large. Specific particle size size 1.5-2.5mm, there are also 2.0-4.0mm.

La cría de animales

Second, the production of sodium bentonite particles

The production of sodium bentonite particles, there are two ways. One is the use of natural sodium bentonite ore, drying and drying directly after the sieve machine screening; if the use of calcium-based bentonite production and processing, the first to be processed through the sodic personality treatment, drying and drying, and then the gold sieve machine deletion, but also can be milled after the use of spray pelletising machine granulation production. If you want to get a smooth appearance of the pellets, the finer the finer the better for sodium bentonite grinding fineness.

In short, the production of sodium bentonite particles is basically two ways, sieve machine screening and pelletising machine granulation. Through the above narrative, I believe that the overall understanding of sodium bentonite particles will have a new enhancement.



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