Bentonite for Animal Husbandry feeding from Sanding Bentonite Technology

What is Composite Sodium Bentonite

Table des matières

Many people are familiar with sodium bentonite, but said the composite sodium bentonite may not know a lot of people. These products are based on the original after adding a certain characteristic to the application. About the introduction and application of composite sodium bentonite, small through years of study to give you a detailed analysis.

The United States bentonite market

1, What is composite sodium bentonite

Composite sodium bentonite is in the traditional sodium bentonite on the basis of adding a part of the additives to improve a parameter indicator of a bentonite. Specifically add what additives, according to the direction of use, the use of different directions, the use of different additives. For example, in the field of non-excavation drilling and other areas used to make mud sodium bentonite, in order to improve the viscosity can be added to part of the CMC, in the construction of seawater slurry, in order to improve the salt resistance of sodium bentonite, it will add some of the anti-salt additives. Therefore, this type of sodium bentonite added some kind of additive is called composite sodium bentonite.

Bentonite clay for Animal Husbandry from Sanding Bentonite Technology

2, The application of composite sodium bentonite

1. In the engineering mud in order to improve the mud arm protection effect and the ability to carry drill cuttings, by adding cellulose to improve viscosity;
2. As well as anti-salt construction, after adding anti-salt raw materials, in the brine slurry can be smooth slurry. This ensures the smooth construction of the project.
3. coating production in the use of sodium bentonite, in order to improve the suspension of sodium bentonite, add suspending agent. In order to improve the whiteness, add whitening powder and so on. These applications are the role of composite sodium bentonite.
4. In the paper industry, composite sodium bentonite in order to improve the residency capacity of bentonite, sodium bentonite will be added to improve the residency performance of raw materials, thus forming a composite sodium bentonite used in the paper industry.
5. In sewage treatment, the traditional sodium bentonite in the addition of part of the long-chain carbon, so as to form a can be used for sewage treatment in the composite sodium bentonite. In this industry, composite sodium bentonite can replace the high price of polyacrylamide.
6. Metallurgical pellet production, in order to reduce the number of single, many steel mills also used a composite pellet bentonite, the specific production is in the ordinary pellet sodium bentonite added to an additive to improve viscosity and strength. Specifically what is the additive.



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