The European Bentonite Industry

Qualified Sodium Bentonite Manufacturers Should Have What Conditions?

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China’s bentonite reserves are rich, but the vast majority of calcium-based bentonite. But in the reality of the production process, the performance of calcium-based bentonite far from meeting the needs of production. Therefore, people will be calcium-based products after sodium treatment, calcium-based bentonite modified to sodium-based bentonite. In this way, there is such a concept as sodium bentonite manufacturers. In fact, in the reality of production, basically part of the calcium-based manufacturers and sodium-based manufacturers. 

The European Bentonite Industry trends from Sanding Bentonite Technology

There is a certain scale of manufacturers, whether calcium-based products or sodium-based products can be successfully produced. Today, since the improvement of sodium bentonite manufacturers of this word, I will tell you as a qualified sodium bentonite manufacturers should have what conditions:

1. Abundant high-quality bentonite ore resources

As a qualified sodium bentonite manufacturers, raw mineral resources is an essential condition. Raw ore can not keep up with the production and research and development. Therefore, China’s excellent sodium bentonite manufacturers are generally built in bentonite mineral-rich areas. At present, China’s bentonite production base are, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang, Henan and Xinjiang and other places. Especially the Liaoning region gathered China’s more famous sodium bentonite manufacturers.

The European Bentonite Industries from Sanding Bentonite Technology
2. Strong bentonite research and development team

The production of any kind of product can not be separated from the technical support, so the establishment of sodium bentonite manufacturers, there has been a strong R & D team to do support. China’s more famous several sodium bentonite manufacturers have set up their own R & D team and advanced laboratory.

3. Advanced production processes and equipment

Sodium bentonite manufacturer’s products are naturally sodium bentonite, in China if you want to produce high quality sodium bentonite, advanced production technology is one of the most important conditions. At present, China’s more mature and advanced sodium bentonite production process is generally selected semi-wet rolling sodium. This production process requires in the bentonite ore moisture in 35% of the environment to add a certain proportion of soda ash, and then into the roller extrusion equipment for extrusion. Extrude the bentonite into your skin. Then stacked for 3-7 days. This can be the soda ash and montmorillonite full contact and metal ion replacement. Then drying, grinding and packaging processes. 

Of course there are many bentonite manufacturers do not apply this strict production process, but use the more ancient stacking sodiation. The finished sodium bentonite product obtained from this sodiation method is not of high quality. Therefore, as a qualified sodium bentonite manufacturer, to use advanced production processes and equipment.

In short, the three conditions listed above are the three key conditions for establishing a qualified sodium bentonite manufacturer. Without one or the other.



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