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What Are the Characteristics of Cosmetic Grade Sodium Bentonite?

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The production of cosmetics often use sodium bentonite, this kind of bentonite is much higher than the industrial grade product quality. Of course, the price is also a big difference. Here to tell you about the characteristics of cosmetic grade sodium bentonite and the corresponding price.

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Cosmetic grade sodium bentonite specific features are as follows:

1. Low heavy metal content.

Can be used in cosmetics sodium bentonite first of all on the heavy metal content requirements are relatively harsh. The most common concentration of heavy metal requirements for lead ≤ 10 mg / kg, mercury ≤ 1 mg / kg, arsenic ≤ 2 mg / kg, cadmium ≤ 5 mg / kg. For the determination of the content of these four heavy metals need to be third-party professional testing organisations to carry out testing;

2. High montmorillonite content:

Bentonite’s main component is montmorillonite, so spare in cosmetics sodium bentonite montmorillonite content is particularly high, the general requirements of the content should be higher than 98%, this purity of sodium bentonite need to be washed and purified to be able to meet the purity requirements;

China Bentonite Industry Development 4 from Sanding Bentonite Technology

3. Strong water absorption capacity:

Sodium bentonite is used in cosmetics is the main effect of water-absorbing capacity, where the emphasis has been on sodium-based products rather than calcium-based, is sodium-based products have a strong water-absorbing capacity, spare in cosmetics can play a very good water retention effect. As the vast majority of China’s bentonite ore for calcium-based products, so the common domestic cosmetic grade sodium bentonite are artificially modified by calcium-based products sodium obtained;

4. Good dispersion performance:

Sodium bentonite dispersion is better than calcium-based, so in some cosmetics to take full advantage of this, some liquid cosmetics using high-end sodium bentonite as a suspending agent, you can make the uniformity of liquid products to maintain intact, or thixotropic properties, the use of a simple shake can make the product components evenly distributed;

5. Fine fineness:

Used in cosmetics sodium bentonite requires fineness must be very fine, generally require higher than 800 mesh, special products may require more than 1000 mesh.

From the parameter values can be seen, the quality of cosmetic grade sodium bentonite compared to traditional industrial products is much higher. Very rare is the production of such products are very low in heavy metal content of the original ore. This is also the reason why the price of these products is so high.



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